Unprocessed diamonds are still more valuable than stones, because the ornaments they contain help to elevate themselves to the highest level. More. As for human nature, it does not seem much different from diamonds. Because the word "humanity" has helped to elevate our human beings higher than animals from the beginning, and when they grow up with knowledge and good attitude, they will continue to exalt that person higher than other people.

Good knowledge and attitude are the core of people. But neither of these things came with man at birth. Unless an individual strives to educate himself or herself, relatives can help him or her to adjust. There is a saying, "Wanting to be a real person is not easy until you study hard, because if you do not learn, we will always be ignorant and be abused even more." Not only do we need knowledge and good manners to show others that we are the real people, but we must try to get both of these things to increase our negotiating power over evil.
"Only the strong have the right to talk about peace," said Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. If we are weak and ignorant or knowledgeable but powerless, it is impossible to negotiate peace with evil. On the other hand, our weakness is always the subject of oppression of the powerful but ignorant. When we are abused or subjected to subjugation, we will no longer be known as real people, and oppression should not be encouraged and should be eliminated.

On the other hand, the ignorant gestures of the educated in society seem to help in part to make the bad guys more sympathetic and set a bad example for the weak. Because the weak always have a clear position, when they see the people they respect and bow down in the face of evil, they will become lonely and cowardly. We do not need strength to defeat anyone, because the word "defeat" is no different from what the Khmer Rouge did to its own people in the past. But our courage can help balance society.