Criticism is a dangerous spark because its explosions occasionally cause some deaths, but are also very useful. Like us humans who can not live without fire, but be careful not to burn all the time. Fire, when used properly, helps to create benefits, but misuse not only destroys the benefits, but also destroys ourselves. The ancient Chinese scholar Confucius said, "Do not complain about the snow on the roofs of our neighbors' houses when there is snow on our doors." This means that it is better not to just criticize others to show that we are sick, but to observe and build ourselves up.

According to Robert Browning, "People go to perfection when they fight with their own hearts." Why fight with our own hearts? We hate and criticize others, not because they are disgusting, but because of our monkey brains. According to the theory of the great man, "a noble person is distinguished by his kindness", so it should be given criticism in the sense of saving only in accordance with the intentions of the scholars in the world.

On the other hand, quality of life is the result of our thinking. If we all have a positive attitude and the teachings of people and religions are all positive, it will lead to positive results for society. Because positive thinking brings people together against destruction, and humanity progresses steadily. As mentioned earlier, starting from the individual is the most important and necessary part of the process of making society better. Every one of our actions seems like a dove carrying a message because it will always fly back to its original point. Therefore, a person who loves himself always does only good deeds, because the result of the deeds he does to society also bears fruit for himself.

All in all, not everything is wrong and nothing is always right. The only thought is to drive something to become aesthetically pleasing or filthy for us. But you should take yourself as an example first when criticizing with the intention of improving together. Good intentions, combined with our good deeds today, are very important, they are a precious seed for the society of tomorrow and beyond.