People in our world have always longed for flowers and fruits, the fruits of their labors. But if the result is frustration with slander and criticism, does anyone else want to do it? By many is not. Therefore, there are some words that say "Criticism to build" in order not to seem too serious. No matter how hard you try, the content will remain the same, and people who suffer from criticism will find it difficult to accept it.

According to Khmer sociology, we are a cold-blooded people because history tells us that the loss of post-Angkorian territory was in part due to beautiful women. Of course, beautiful women alone have not lost their land, but because of their sweet words of comfort. If they do not know how to speak sweet words, they may not be able to turn our leaders' brains into loving other nations as much as their own.

By what I said above, it means that not only leaders like to cool you down, but also in general. Gentiles can attract our leaders with sweet words, just as we should learn to speak with our own nations. Criticism is not a cure-all for our society. Instead, it only further divides our society.

We should try to remove the word "criticism" and leave only the word "constructive". This work is not in vain, for it will show our modest good intentions when it comes to speech. If we tell them, 'I have good intentions,' but I can't find the right words to say it, can you believe it?

On the other hand, if we intend to point out the mistakes of others, we should replace them with improvements. This is exactly the word "criticism to build", but if there is no improvement, it is only criticism, no construction.

As for those who work, he admonished, "Do things carefully, but be careful not to fail." This means not being afraid of criticism or being too wrong until you are silent and do nothing. He tells us to be careful because he knows that there is no escaping criticism, but being careful can make our mistakes less and less critical of you.