It is said that "justice is a strange word for the ears of the poor" because the poor are rarely met or justified, so the voice of the word "justice" becomes so strange. In reality, poverty weakens people and weak people suffer because of the oppression of evil powers. Oppression combined with personal weakness has made justice fade away.

Of course, the real justice of our people can not wait for it to fall from the sky, we must try to shout, then they agreed to share some of us. On the other hand, justice is public property, not one can be taken over by the monopoly alone. Therefore, a person who has made a conscious effort and is truly willing will reap the rewards of striving for beneficial activities. Moreover, the fruits of their deeds will not be for themselves alone, because the deeds they do are public works, and the results obtained are also the fruits of the public.

But everything is not just talking and getting results right away. Unless the words are connected to the action, it can be assured that the thought will come true. Because in order to accomplish something, it takes time, effort and daily practice, not just by thinking or having fantasies.

On the other hand, the effort is an example of demanding justice, just as everything in our life is. But keep reminding yourself often that "effort must not deviate from the path of Dharma." Even the pursuit of wealth. In the past it was said, "Everyone wants wealth, but that wealth comes from dharma." Because what? Because fornication is a bad example and a source of anger for others.