A donkey told the tiger: The grass is blue.

The tiger also replied: No! The grass is green.

Then the argument heated up, then they both decided to go to the lion to help the trial.

When he arrived, he met the lion, the king of the forest, and the donkey shouted, "Lord, is the grass really blue?"

The lion also replied: Absolutely! The grass is really blue.

Then the donkey hurriedly brought the word to the tiger and came back to tell the lion king: "The tiger did not agree with me and argued and disturbed me. Please punish them."

At that time, the lion king also punished the tiger for not speaking for five years.

Hearing this, the donkey was very happy and jumped and shouted: The grass is blue!

And the tiger accepted the punishment, but he did not give up and asked the lion: Why do you punish me, even though the grass is actually green?

The lion replied: Of course the grass is green.

So why punish me?

The lion replied: It does not matter whether the grass is green or blue. This punishment is for those who are brave, creative and smart like you, but still spend time arguing with the donkey, moreover, bothering us with questions like this.

The most wasteful time is going to quarrel with extremist ignorant people who do not care what is real and practical and only understand their own big ideas. So do not waste time thinking about things that do not make sense, because many people do not understand what they see in front of them and are blinded by selfishness, anger, resentment, and resentment.

Research and copyright by CHAO MEANUP