You may have seen that many brands in the United States use eagles. Other football federations, such as the World Cup winners Germany, the Russian football team and football clubs such as ManCity, all use the eagle name and image. Why do people like to represent their institution or group like this? Is there anything special about this giant bird?

The following are real life lessons of eagles that people should explore and learn:

1. Flying eagles with eagles: Eagles fly at the highest altitudes, so no bird can float at this height. It never flies with other birds, such as birds, crows, or other birds.

2. The eagle has a long-range vision and is very focused: the bird can look very far up to more than 5,000 meters. When it looks for food or direction, it will fly straight away, regardless of obstacles. No matter what the obstacles, the eagle will not be able to leave its destination until it catches its prey or reaches its destination.

3. Eagles do not eat dead animals (corpses): Unlike vultures that eat dead animals, eagles eat only fresh food. People should be very careful with what to watch or listen to, especially the latest hot news. People need to maximize research.

4. Eagles love storms: While birds fly wildly and seek safety during storms, eagles enjoy storms. When it encounters a hurricane, it flies high and flutters its wings, making its way through the air to reach its destination without the use of force. It means that the eagle knows how to take advantage of obstacles.

5. The eagle knows how to test before trusting: Not just trusting something, the eagle must experiment before believing in something. Obviously, if a male eagle wants to love a female eagle, it must pass a test. The female eagle flies down to pick up the branch, allowing the eagle to follow, and the eagle soars high and throws the branch to the ground. Seeing this, the eagle named after her must fly to catch the fallen branch so that it does not fall to the ground. After catching the eagle, the branch must be returned to the female eagle. After receiving the female, the eagle carries the branch and flies higher than before, dropping it to the ground again so that the male can catch it again. Do this until the female eagle is satisfied with the eagle's ability to persevere and fall in love. Whether in marriage or business, you need to test your partner's commitment and abilities before living or doing business together.

6. The eagle prepares for change: Before breeding, the eagle always seeks the highest places, especially in valleys or tall branches, to escape all enemies. The male eagle must fly to the ground in search of thorns, dead branches, and soft grass to make nests for its young. Both the thorns, the branches, and the soft grass are well-prepared to protect and facilitate fertility. After giving birth, both parents need to work together to teach their children to fly and be brave. They throw the baby out of the nest and cause it to fall, with someone waiting to pick it up or throw it up so that the baby falls back into the nest. They do this until their children are able to fly and are brave enough to live independently.

7. Get rid of old habits: As an eagle gets older, its wings or feathers become weaker, making it impossible for it to fly fast. When it feels weak and thinks of death, it always flies to the quietest place, especially in the cave. It tries to rub against the rocks or bite to get the old hairs off. Then it continues to live in this quiet life until new hair grows back, then it flies out to the outside life.

Research and copyright by CHAO MEANUP