For people in our society today should adhere to the phrase "5 should not say 3 should not ask". Whatever the problem, try to control yourself so that you do not have too much negative energy, because the more you complain, the more people will no longer want to be around you.

Whether in our work life or in our daily lives, it will be difficult to avoid the pressures and even arguments and disagreements with those around us. But no matter how verbal communication is, you should think carefully, do not claim to be close to each other, say phrases or ask some questions that hurt the audience.

So if you are smart, you should know how to speak and ask questions to the people in front of you. However, here are some tips that you should know more about when talking:

 3 Do not ask

1. Anything not related to me, please do not ask

Of course, we all have our own stories, so there are some things that are internal, no matter how close people are to each other, does not mean that we can know everything about each other or can talk about other people's stories at any time. And the mouth does not want to say. Therefore, things that do not concern me, do not ask me, especially the internal affairs of the people around me, I can say that it is a respect for the rights of other individuals.

2. Future story

To protect personal interests, sometimes silence is something that everyone should do. In particular, the future plans we have considered may be uncertain, so with future events it is better not to brag or ask others rudely.

Of course, living in this world, no one can predict what the future holds, so just do your job well now. With the future happening means that what has not yet happened, more curiosity will make us more confused and anxious. One thing to keep in mind is that if you do not make an effort now, you will not get results in the future.

3. Ask about past mistakes

Everyone makes their own mistakes, and maybe you do too, so even if other people make mistakes, they should forgive them a little bit. In particular, never show the attitude to chase them to the end or dig into the root of the problem, because sometimes if we ask a lot of questions about mistakes, it can make them more serious, it is like a review. It hurts to be like that. Therefore, anything that can be forgotten should also be done, do not dig again.

In addition, for issues that they do not want you to know or do not want to show, do not ask too much digging. No matter who they are, they need to keep their secrets and personal stories, and their secrets or personal stories can not be revealed, so if you are smart, you should understand them and not want to know. Things they do not want you to know.

5 Do not talk
1. Nonsense

The ancients taught that living in the world is not a waste of time by focusing on useless things and not saying useless things. Know how to organize the way each word you say should have a specific meaning, especially do not say stupid words, hurt people around and hurt yourself.

2. Anger

Do not allow yourself to be deceived by your anger. So when something goes wrong, instead of complaining about others, you should consider yourself first. See things with your eyes, learn to be patient, and do not become a negative energy radiation that causes you to say bad words to others. The more you complain, the farther away your friends are from you.
3. Lie

Lying means that you have to use hundreds of excuses to hide the truth. So just be honest with everyone and yourself, because if you are the master of "change" one day your lies will "hurt" others and have a negative impact on us.

4. Bragging rights

Of course, boasting ... is a bad habit that if you are smart, no one wants you to do it. Do not do it for the sake of dignity ... because pride is your bad habit. To keep the relationships around you harmonious and happy, you should not promise others what is beyond your ability. No.

5. Heart sounds

In addition to the above four points, the ancients also taught not to say anything related to the mind and emotions, which is the language of your heart. Personal stories, romantic stories and wealth stories. Older people often say, "Know the face, know the mouth, but do not know the heart," so it is better not to take the "secret in the heart" out and show it to others. Words hidden in the mind should be shared with those who really understand and are close to you.

Research by CHAO MEANUP