Most people like to oppose change. Of course, they also want to improve themselves, but because they have not changed their habits, they can not get themselves out of the old place. There is a saying that "only fools expect new results from the same action."

If you want to have a better life, you have to study hard, and that effort means change. Our lives would have no way of learning if those desires were only in the mind and did not turn them into action. There was a man who wished to cross the river, but he could do nothing but sit and pray and watch the water flow, even though this poor man waited for his whole life and could not get there. The destination you want to go to.

A good life is an active life, because without action it is no different from death. We should start small but in line with our goals and commit to developing ourselves to grow every day. Ancient scholars have encouraged us: “One should not think that one is less intelligent and give up learning for fear of forgetting, progressing, listening and striving, if one completes it over time, one can be satisfied. "Like an empty jug of water, if a person puts it in the field, it will be full of drops of water falling every day."