If we really love ourselves, we should keep ourselves well, in order to keep ourselves well, we should control our minds well. A person who loves himself does not allow his mind to clash with useless things that can bring anger to themselves.

In order to live in a society, people should be honest and honest with themselves before doing it to others. Cultivating honest seed in words and deeds is like building a barrier against danger. In addition to keeping themselves safe, honest people also contribute to the transformation of society by restoring trust between people, reducing fraud, deception or breach of trust.

Lack of honesty in the hearts of the people has caused the society to face the most tragic division. People become distrustful of each other, even in families under one roof. It also shows that the politicians in that society have no will for national reconciliation and no clear position, especially for national unification to realize true peace.

According to scholars, "an honest person is one who wants the best for all beings." The desire to be good to others is a great desire and even more necessary for nurturing in the hearts of the people in the society. Allowing society to fall apart due to lack of honesty, injustice and corruption is a lazy act of leaders. Society cannot prosper if all these problems continue.