"Millionaire and the King" takes time to finish reading and get good ideas for life

A rich man was dying, and the king appeared to receive the spirit of the rich man. The millionaire asked the King:

"When I die, will I go to heaven or to hell?"

"Down to hell!" The King said

When the millionaire heard this, he immediately became angry and asked back to the King:

“Why do I have to go to hell? I try to spend money to build a pagoda, build a church, a school, and donate money to many other organizations, why do I still have to go to hell, I absolutely do not agree! ”

"If you do not agree, we will give you another week in this week, if you can get a smile from your heart only three times, you will be able to go to heaven!"

The rich man listened and was relieved and thought to himself, "Well, he just smiled three times from his heart, what is difficult!"

When Yom Reach disappeared, the millionaire remembered who was the first person to give him a smile from his heart. His wife's face was also prominent in his thoughts. He and his wife have been married for forty years. This is the wife who should give him a smile from the heart first, so he spent a lot of money to buy a large set of diamonds to give to his wife. Upon receiving this gift, his wife was overjoyed and very surprised.But Yom Reach also told the millionaire:

"This is not a smile from a real heart, she is just happy to receive this diamond."

The rich man was surprised by Yom Reach's words and tried to buy a car for his wife, thinking that his wife would be satisfied. But strangely, his wife was very happy, but his smile was still said by the King not a smile from the heart.

Time passed on the third day and the millionaire became more and more angry because he had only four days left. The person he thinks will be able to get the first smile may not be as easy as he thinks.

On the morning of the fourth day, he got up early, thinking that he would die in three days, and that he had done what he owed his wife. He kept thinking until he came to the kitchen and pulled out a pan to fry duck eggs and sausage. Later, toast. He made breakfast that he had not made in a long time.

When his wife came downstairs, she saw her husband go into the kitchen for breakfast, so it was strange because there were so many servants in the house and it was not necessary for her husband. He finds it difficult to do on his own.

The rich man puts all the food on the table and invites his wife to eat the breakfast he has prepared. At the first meal, his wife burst into tears and smiled at him.

"My friend, I remember when we just started a new family, when we were still poor, I made this simple breakfast for you to eat every morning, I am very happy to eat your work this morning. More ”

At the same time, the millionaire can also feel that his wife's smile is a beautiful smile, especially even if he has not put on makeup or hair, but his smile is a pure smile from the heart. The millionaire also realized that for many years he had never spent breakfast with his wife and forgot that what his wife needed from him now was only his attention.That morning, the King also told him that

"You got a smile from your heart"

That same morning, he joined the company and hoped to receive a second heartfelt smile from his closest children.

He called his children into the room and said,

"We have decided to promote you as a senior leader after us and to give you a stake in the company."

The children were very happy, his face was full of smiles and thanked him again and again. But the millionaire still feels that the smile of this noble child still carries some sadness with it.

The millionaire appointed his descendants to the official position of senior manager and also gave them a share of the company, but the millionaire did not get a smile from the true heart of this child.

On the morning of the 7th, the millionaire called his son and told him that he had signed a leave of absence and five round-trip air tickets for him and his wife and children.

"You have been selling your life to us for a long time and we have never let you stay with your wife and children, so we will give you a month to stay with your wife and children and five plane tickets to Hawaii. You can take your wife and children. Can walk. ”

The children were very surprised and their tense faces became fresh and warm. He smiled with a relieved face, a smile he had never seen from this child before, making him feel happy with it.

"Thank you, sir, I did not take my wife and children for a long time, and they may think that my heart is made of iron, not as emotional as other fathers. I will follow you, thank you Lord again! ”

Silently, the voice of the royal descendants also whispered to the millionaire:

"You got a smile from the heart for the second time."

The millionaire just got a smile from his heart twice, but his time was less than a day. The millionaire just took a deep breath.

"Maybe we should acknowledge the truth!" The millionaire speaks to himself because both his wife and his children take up to seven days to get a smile from their hearts. If so, he must acknowledge and agree to go to hell with no other choice. When he thought of hell, he felt very sad, so he decided to take off his coat and walk away from the company to take a bus trip to other places. Along the way, he remembers the old atmosphere when he started building a family with his wife. He has not seen such an atmosphere for a long time, because normally, no matter where he goes, there are only luxury cars with a lot of documents to check. He could hardly find time to go out on such small streets alone. He thinks that in less than an hour he will be taken to hell, so he should use the rest of his time to enjoy himself, while now he is feeling refreshed like never before. .

He was walking on a busy street and saw a little girl crying on the sidewalk. No one is interested in a girl, because everyone is in a hurry to do their work.

"Anyway, we are about to die, so ask this girl first, why is she crying?"

Thinking, he went to the little girl and realized that she had lost her parents, so she sat down and cried. The millionaire took her to the police station and complained that her parents had lost their children at the market.

The millionaire sat anxiously waiting for the little boy's parents to greet her. Looking at his watch, his time was almost over. When the parents arrived at the waiting room, the parents ran and hugged each other and shouted at the police station.He looked at the picture with excitement and satisfaction.

"Buddha, helping others is such happiness!" The millionaire exclaimed softly to himself. But he did not smile immediately because the King appeared in front of him. He waved to the King, but the King nodded back to him.

"You do not have to go to hell with us, because you are qualified to go to heaven!" The King said.

The rich man opened his eyes wide, not believing what he heard

"What do you say?" The millionaire asked with a trembling mouth.

"You have found a smile from the third heart."

Yom Reach handed the mirror to the millionaire to look at his face and said:

"Actually, it just came out right now."

The millionaire looks at himself in the mirror, sees a beautiful face, different from his sad face, no hong shui, and the smile now is not the smile of the president of a giant company, but the face of an old man. Full of compassion. He saw a smile on his face.

"Your heart is changed, and there is no reason for us to take you to hell, but now that the angels have not come to take you, it means that you have time to build good deeds in this world to continue." Yom Reach disappeared in the blink of an eye"Actually, the third smile is our own smile, right?" The millionaire stared outside the police station with a satisfied feeling.

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Research and copyright by CHAO MEANUP