There is a lion that is very old and can no longer go out to find food for himself by hunting for food. It sleeps and pretends to be sick. The animals heard this news and went to visit.

When the wolf heard the news, he went to visit the lion like any other animal. When the wolf came to the cave where the lion was staying, he heard a voice The lion's moaning sound often felt very pathetic.

As the wolf was walking into the cave, he saw something and hurried back out of the cave and stood at the mouth of the cave for a considerable distance.

Lions have seen wolves for a long time, but why not enter the cave? "Hey, wolf! Anyway, you came and why not come inside?"

The wolf replied, "I saw many footprints walking into your cave, but I did not see any footprints coming back, so let me Dare to go in? ”

This story teaches that we should train ourselves to be observant and understand the situation quickly. Smart and meticulous people do not easily fall into anyone's trap.

Research and copyright by CHAO MEANUP