Do not do it for the sake of betraying your friends or relatives, lest you lose your relationship and the benefits will be easy to find, but good friendships are not easy to find. Good friends help us recover.
Mnal Kohapatibot, these 4 people, you need to know that you are a good friend, you are a friend, you need to know that you are a good friend, you are a friend, you are a friend. Know that a friend has a good friend, a friend tells you useful, you must know that a friend has a good friend, a friend has a pain, you must Know that you are a good friend.
Mnal Kohapatiboth, a friend has the help: as a friend, he has good relatives, you need to know four things: The negligent one is the refuge of a fearful friend, when the work to be done occurs and always provides twice as much wealth as the friend you need. That 1. If you are a good friend, you need to know these four things.
Mnal Kohapatibut, a good friend, a good friend, you need to know four things: tell your secret to a friend, help hide a friend's secret Do not give up in times of crisis, even life dares to sacrifice for the benefit of friends (life-saving) 1. Mnal Kohapatibot, a good friend, a good friend, you need to know these four places.
If you are a good friend, you need to know four things: forbid a friend from doing evil, and lead him to stay. But in one good deed to hear one word never heard, one tells the way to heaven. If you are a good friend, you need to know these four things.
Mnal Kohapatiboth, you are in pain, you are a good friend, you need to know four things: help grieve because you have one doom, help rejoice because you Prosperous against people who condemn one friend, praise only those who describe one friend. If you have a friend who is in pain, you are a good friend, you need to know these four things.
God has a part, He manifested this, and only after the death of the Ecclesiastical Enlightenment did He manifest this word as a proverb: With the help of a friend who sympathizes with a friend who tells the benefit of a friend who is in pain. The doctor recognizes these four individuals as true friends and should sit close to each other, such as mothers and children born from the breast. Morally rich sages are as glorious as a blazing fire, while one who accumulates wealth piles up wealth like a bee.
Possessions always pile up like mounds where termites pile up. The wealthy in the family have accumulated all these possessions in this way, and only then have they become self-sufficient. Kolbot who divides all possessions into 4 parts, eats one part, works in two parts, and keeps the fourth part in case of any danger (to the future) Kolbot That is called tying friends.